Snakes 3 (Radhia)

Snakes have always played an integral role in religion, mythology and literature. Throughout the ages this mythical creature has come to symbolise fertility and creative life force.

The snakes shedding of its skin is very symbolic of rebirth, transformation and healing within our lives. Charlotte proposes this seductive “Mystic Snakes” earring design thanks to the compressive setting of full black diamond on the whole piece and 2 emerald to recreate each eye.

By this design, ChaCha express the message on the inner wisdom of its wearer, reminding them, with each new day, that they have the opportunity to rebirth into the best version of themselves.

Combination of “Mystic Snakes” earring with “Sergeant” Ring collection reveals a provocative and sophisticated style.



Function: Earring, ring
Aesthetics: Full set
Materials: Hand polished 18k gold, brilliant cut diamonds, color stone


Mystic Snake earring 

 18k black gold earring: 12 gr
Black diamond brilliant cut: 3.5 ct
2 emerald brilliant cut: 0.5 ct


Sergeant Ring

 18k black gold ring: 14.10 gr
 Black diamond brilliant cut: 3.13 ct


Designer Charlotte Lena Souki “ChaCha”


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